this weekend turned out wonderfully when my best friend forever alexa rang me friday night asking if i was free (and i was) and to tell me that she will deffo be located in the south east for her 1st and 2nd year medical placements (which is HUGE news and a MASSIVE achievement for her!)....so on top of being really happy at finally getting my best mate back after 58 years of medical studying, i was even more excited to take her to the BUST christmas craftacular...

it was quite nice...not the brilliantness i had expected but a few nice bits...we didn't buy anything but we did do the tatty devine tombola (i won....we were really excited until we realised i had won horrific shiny gold dangly earrings....no, tatty devine, no.) i would have preferred these little magpies...or this sign necklace....but no, really, crappy gold dangly earrings are lovely, i'm sure i'll......put them in my bag and find them again in about 4 months then throw them away.

and then we shared a red velvet cupcake (as much as you can share with lexa) and had some tea, left and went to the museum of childhood just down the road and played with the exhibits then went to pizza express and ordered all the same things....(i love the soho pizza...it's like my korma-when-i-have-a-curry....i want to change it up, but i can't drag myself to any other pizza, for fear that it won't be as good, and i would have wasted a trip to pizza express on a CRAP pizza.)

this is my homegirl and i would move mountains of donkeys for her, evil out any girl that had been mean to her, give her all my kidneys and let her eat my sweets....woe betide the man who doth hurt my babygurl, for i shall kick your arse into oblivion.

love her. but like, truly.
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