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snapshots of inspiration for the next 365 days....
happy new year.....
i want to make promises to future becky that past becky should have maybe made to present becky in order to keep present becky from reflecting on past becky and asking her why she didn't do more about present and future beckys follows (20)10 ambitions, promises and commitments to cheating allowed...1. draw more. you have 2 really nice ink pens...use them.2. pass your driving test on the 1st attempt (and stop holding your breath when you change doesn't help.)3. get a new "direction" that actually makes you feel like you are working towards something/learning/ deserve better.4. spend more time with your top people that you love...they are so so so important.5. move out and live closer to london so that point 4 is easier to acheive...aim for the lifestyle that other 20somethings seem to be living, even if it is all chatter and fluff.6. continue with the crafty mini-business ambitions....start up on etsy, get a website & promote yourself.7. read all the books you have collected and not read yet.8. reconsider the blonde....attempt pastel coloured hair if approppiate.9. force yourself to exercise.10. ignore outside influences (and be the person you would be if there were no other people in the world.)ok....ready, steady.........go.happy 2010. x
look at his cheek hair! look at his cheek hair!!! why would you grow cheek hair in such a way? at what point did he look in the mirror and go "sod it, i'm gonna go long for winter"? and why did they LET HIM ON THE NEWS??? snaps to bbc news 24, way to go guys......
so i've been busy making these cute corsages for people i know to give to people they know for christmas...i'm back in love with my kandi kane (that's right, kandi kane....american crafty goodness....) wot is essentially a soldering iron to stick sparkles on things...last time i used it was for my final year work, sparkling up some old military boots (which by the way, are AMAZING and i would wear them ALL the time if it weren't for the fact that they cost about £70 to make).
one time, i left it on unintentially and completely melted through one of my brothers playstation controllers. i offered to sparkle his playstation in apology but i don't think he was that interested.
this weekend turned out wonderfully when my best friend forever alexa rang me friday night asking if i was free (and i was) and to tell me that she will deffo be located in the south east for her 1st and 2nd year medical placements (which is HUGE news and a MASSIVE achievement for her!) on top of being really happy at finally getting my best mate back after 58 years of medical studying, i was even more excited to take her to the BUST christmas craftacular...
it was quite nice...not the brilliantness i had expected but a few nice bits...we didn't buy anything but we did do the tatty devine tombola (i won....we were really excited until we realised i had won horrific shiny gold dangly, tatty devine, no.) i would have preferred these little magpies...or this sign necklace....but no, really, crappy gold dangly earrings are lovely, i'm sure i'll......put them in my bag and find them again in about 4 months then throw them away.
and then we shared a red velvet cupcake (as much as you can share with lexa) and had some tea, left and went to the museum of childhood just down the road and played with the exhibits then went to pizza express and ordered all the same things....(i love the soho's like my korma-when-i-have-a-curry....i want to change it up, but i can't drag myself to any other pizza, for fear that it won't be as good, and i would have wasted a trip to pizza express on a CRAP pizza.)
this is my homegirl and i would move mountains of donkeys for her, evil out any girl that had been mean to her, give her all my kidneys and let her eat my sweets....woe betide the man who doth hurt my babygurl, for i shall kick your arse into oblivion.
love her. but like, truly.
dresses by ida sjostedt...ahhh, so pretty...i wouldn't be able to do anything even vaguely manly in this outfit...i wouldn't even be able to lift stuff. or drink beer. i'd have to sit down a lot and wear blusher and be polite.
not to be a crazy pyscho woman or anything, but i'd wear this to my wedding.this past weekend i went to the historic city of Bath with bonjameen for 4 days...we got our room upgraded so we had a historic four poster bed and we went to the bath spa and sat in the rooftop pool looking at the historic abbey at nightime...we shared a steam room with many japanese students until i got too hot and then had a historically yummy meal at jamies italian.
best things consumed this weekend: elderflower prosecco and massive green olives.

gorgeous cloth covered classic books...i would read dorian all over again....were you annoyed at the ending of dorian? i was. i think part of me wanted him to live on, being evil, still looking beautiful, doing horrendous things, getting away with it. someone i knew once compared himself to dorian gray....i should have laughed at him and left, sharpish.
i've got christmas consumer sickness already...i feel really uncomfortable with all the buying and wanting and sequins and booze and fake snow and lip gloss and eating and excess. i think i've also reached my female media saturation point. i can't take any more "how to smell like peaches geldof" or "katie price uses this banana shampoo" or "look like cheryl for £46". they are all so ugly, all these famous get so used to seeing pictures of them, that i think, if you met them, you'd be amazed to see...the back of their head...or the sole of their it doesn't exist or something. you see pictures of these people, posing their asses off, and then you think, they had to do that, they chose to stand in front of photographers like that, with their hand on their hip, pouting, doing sex face. and that's just so horrible.i think i'm tired and ready for the weekend.
p.s actually f**k peaches geldof though. gah.

too cute reworked vintage dresses by pastlapsaria...i love a line dresses the most because you can eat and eat and eat stuff like chips and monster munch and no one call tell because they can't see your pot belly.
so for all they know, i could be really skinny. but you JUST DON'T KNOW because of my dress.i think i could make peter pan collars like that for my dresses...i think i still have the basic block from my failed attempts at pattern cutting at college...(i went to one tutorial, realised it was pretty much trigonometry, realised it wasn't compulsory, didn't buy a protractor as asked and sacked it off.)
rock n rooooolllll.

dresses by new york couture...aren't they hideous? but hideous in that way that makes you want to wear them and prance about and act like a precocious madam and only drink pink drinks with umbrellas and put sparkles in your hair?
you know what i mean.
er, bunny foo foo pendant yes please santa thank you?
today was filled with pink paperchase decorations and office scandal and cheap food from greggs.
it would have been made better with a can of cherry coke around about 1:30pm.
1. i wish my middle name was really my first name
2. i've already had about 15 different jobs. working in a snobby bar in Notts was the worst.
3. i wrote my dissertation in 3 days.
4. i have no internal thermometer....if its cold, i'm freezing. if it's hot, i'm fucking hot.
5. i once walked head first into alex zane whilst crying on the phone to my mum.
6. i love falling asleep but hate waking up more than marmite.
7. sometimes i can't finish bacon sandwiches because i realise it's pig.
8. i'm scared of spiders, faces at windows, gatherings of irregular shaped holes and i can't touch wrists.
9. i wish i'd had the guts to dress crazy when i was still young enough to look cool.
10. i loved being an art student and only now realise how much more i could have learnt.
11. i easily adopt other people's opinions as my own if i think they are smarter than me.
12. i hate raised voices and arguments. i will constantly apologise.
13. i had crushes that never reached fruition and i'm really glad they didn't.
14. i've been on the west end stage dressed as a french prostitute. only i kept my trainers on.
15. i still want my tongue pierced but i don't want to make my mum cry.
16. my best friendship was cemented when i stopped another girl using her expensive colouring pencils.
17. i once broke a girls arm in the playground by pushing her over. and i got away with it.
18. i have a serious sweet tooth that i fear may be my un-doing..
19. if i fancy you, i'll probably fall over in front of you. or poke myself in the eye.
20. i have an underpronounced lisp because my tongue is massive.
21. my next pet will be called gizmo. and my firstborn son will be sebastian. baz for short.
22. buffy the vampire slayer is AWESOME.
23. i'm a sucker for bashful eyes, big lips, inherent geekiness.
24. i will instantly place myself below new people i meet (metaphorically speaking) until they act like a dick and prove me wrong.
25. i would eat nachos a lot more often if only my boyfriend would let me.
my brother bought me the my so called life boxset for my birthday...i'm loving it in a major way. not only is it better than i remember but it's also making me remember how i felt the first time i watched it...i was probably a little bit too young to relate, but i was on the edge of puberty, pretty much terrified of my impending teens and all the spots and boys and sex and tampons and parties.
watching it now almost make me miss all the angst. boy angst, girl fights, crying, groundings, kisses, dates, make up, homework, phone calls, drinks, love, body spray, passing notes.
i had a jordan catalano. it was amazing and pointless. you know, like all jordan catalanos tend to/have to be.
p.s the reincarnation of jared leto as an emo-type indie-boy lead singer? it couldn't have worked out better.
tatty devine brooch for tate modern. nice.
the weather is completely rubbish office looks how my school used to look when it was grey outside and all the strip lights were on. and you knew you had to go outside at 4 o'clock and get the bus in the rain to get home in time for neighbours.
nothing changes.
: (

it's typical, is it not? i can finally afford polaroid film and they go and stop making it. then the existing stock goes out of date. then they make *new* polaroid cameras that cost about £678. i'm going to make stitched felt polaroids with real pictures inside. then i'm going to turn them into a wall decoration. or little badges. yes i am. you can't stop me.x