hand painted loafer pumps with ballet ribbon ties....

saccharin bed that may give male visitors "prince charming" complexes...

easy way to make your old grey tee shirt cute again...

my favourite drawing of the year so far...

a coat by orla kiely in navy gingham...um um um navy gingham...

simple but interesting chains from Vamoose...i just ordered a grey pom pom on a lovely long chain actually today...

getting gold bling Minx nail transfers from Wah Nails for Bestival with Tamsin....(pathetically excited).
i realise i have been writing a lot of blog posts recently featuring bits and bobs that i "like"....i hope you don't think this is excessively materialistic or nuffink.
i have lots of exciting things going on that i can't wait to share with you...(not to show off)...but i want to wait until they are at their most exciting....
and seeing as i don't want to be one of those bloggies who tells you about what i wore today (probably leggings) what make up i put on my face (lots, on the train) what i ate (probably crisps) or my emotional state (most likely tired), i try to find bits and bobs i think you might like to look at.
i hope you like looking.....
have a nice weekend.....
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