ok, so here is the super exciting news that i've been wanting to share with you for AGES....
Red Velvet Art is a literally AMAZING independent store in Springfield, Missouri, owned by a gorgeous lady called Elsie. They sell all their own handmade fashion and homewares, alongside vintage dresses and accessories...They have just recently expanded into a mini-department store (also selling cupcakes and bubble tea)...hello, dream life.
Quite a while back, I applied to become one of their featured designers and guess what? The day after I failed my driving test, I got an email saying they would love to stock pixielated Bear Ears! Cheered me right up...driving scmiving.
So here you are.....I have worked SO hard trying to get the order out to them in time and I am so so proud to finally have pixielated items in their new store and online!
and they have also featured me on the Red Velvet Art blog:
hello blog reader! sorry i went away for a bit....i was at Bestival on the Isle of Wight, dressed as a fairy in welly boots, throughly exhausting myself and filling to capacity with warm cider...twas ace.
anyways, enough about my escapades....look at these adorable mini ear studs by Joanna Rutter on etsy.com....
....the fox and the branch....the birdie and the leaves...the little squirrel........*sigh.
....and the perfect earrings for a feeling-blue kind of mood.
(it's my birthday soon by the way. just saying. whatever.)
secondly, i'd like to showcase some work by the amazingly talented Twinkie Chan. I read her blog a lot and since i have started reading it, she has taken her adorable little handmade etsy business and made...it...happen. It's so inspiring!
She has a really unique style (something which i think is deceptively difficult in the crafty world) and her items always make me smile.
I love this cake purse! with cherry zipper pulls!
and this is just adorable....a milk carton "cutility" pack that you can wear on a belt, bumbag style...
Lots of suppliers have hatched onto Twinkie's designs and she is currently in the process of launching "Yummy You", a more mass produced range of her items. While this must be wicked for her ($$$!) i think it's a little bit of a shame...although it does make her stuff a bit more affordable (some things are about $100! er......)
Her food scarves are so witty and cute....if i was japanese or 13 again....i would wear one.
Twas perusing the etsy pages as is sometimes my way, and found these jewellery pieces from DayDefyProject. The necklace above reads "Love is moonlight in the darkness". (Wish it said something a little less cheesy. Moonlight isn't that helpful if you're lost in the woods. Torches are.)
Army men parachuting from army planes all down your chest and into the warzone that is your bellybutton. Action adventure jewellery!
and a family of ducks paddling round your wrist in a very nice way.Charmed, I'm sure.
Also, have you read any good books recently? Feel free to suggest them to me....I used to read all the time but have got somewhat lured away but free evening papers and Guardian supplements....