after having to turn down a few fairs (due to prior important festival engagements) i have finally got a stall at Stour Space's May 29th Designers Market! Huzzah! did you get that? MAY 29TH! put it in your diary and come and see me!

its going to be in this converted warehouse/gallery/performance space in east london...i'm hoping for a nice day...its over bank holiday as well, so hopefully peeps will be more inclined to mooch...x

i'm well excited! I've got so much to do to prepare for it though..making more stuff, maybe making some new stuff, sorting out my stall, do i have to provide bags? should i take a mirror? what am i going to sit on? how many Pringles will i eat between 11am and 6pm? i think i need a list....

oh, and i've joined twitter. i'm on there as iampixielated if you are so inclined...i can't promise i'll be interesting but i'll try and keep you updated with fun.....facts...about....my life? i don't think i quite understand it......
it's so sunny outside! someone get me a calippo and probably some suncream because i burn very easily!!!
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