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this weekend i dyed my hair with manic panic tigerlily orange thinking it was a good looked like milla's do in the fifth element, just not as sexy and a bit more mental.....most of the people around me were confused with this turn of events but fact is blogfans, i get bored. and i have seen SO SO much bleached blonde hair recently. if i lived in a world where no one else's opinion mattered, i would be quite happy bopping around with orange hair....fact is that my mum nearly cried and bonjameen spent the weekend looking at me all confused and vaguely irritated. so.......this weekend, i actually did pretty much just
i now look a lot like this.....
lesson learnt no 1 : i am too old to dye my hair orange.
lesson learnt no 2 : none of my clothes go with orange.
i didn't make this but it is very funny....bonjameen would like this printed on a t-shirt.
today i have been interviewing posh girls because we need another new receptionist....they all have so much hair...why do posh girls have so much HAIR? is it breeding? expensive shampoo? deceptive backcombing? i don't like being mean, and i know they need a job, but posh girls are so.......................clean.
only cheeky monkeys need apply.
(Snaps to Ding a Ling a Dom Dom....Ms J....will i ever create another in your likeness?!?.....x)
this sunday just gone we went to a posh and dusty hotel in ashdown forest to celebrate my grandad's 90th birthday...this is what i ate before i felt sick:
ham sandwich
egg sandwich
1/2 cucumber sandwich (the rest was eaten by bonjameen as it was mushy)
plain scone with jam and cream
mini eclair
strawberries and cream
peppermint tea
it was all very lovely and mum wore the prada shoes i bought her for her birthday. they were a bit squeaky. we played croquet and took lots of pictures in the sunshine....bonjameen's trousers were too tight because they were his brother's and max realised he liked mustard.
(also this weekend bonjameen and i played Little Big Planet a lot on his new playstation 3....after dressing up my sackboy in bunny ears and an elizabethan ruff, i realised it was the best game ever.)
crappy picture but you get the idea.
hand embroidered flower on yellow stripes...the first bit of sewing as of yet that i have managed to bleed on...i guess that's what you get when you stitch along to get too involved in whether Grissom will be able to catch the killer from a bit of string on a car seat and then you stab your finger.
dave and i are trying to make a pierrot photoshoot happen....we want long eyelashes and bare shoulders and a big ruffly ruff and a pale face and sad sad eyes. i haven't worked with dave in ages so i'm looking forward to it...getting my tips from tyra in the meantime.
an ex-boyfriend put me on to a book called everything is illuminated by johnathan safran foer. i was in a phase of doing whatever he said but my gosh, it's a pretty book. when i finished it, i was sat in my garden and didn't move for ages. then i realised i was being a twat and went and ate some jaffa cakes.
- "do you think i'm wonderful" she asked him one day. "No" he said. "Why?". Because so many girls are wonderful. I imagine hundreds of men have called their lovers wonderful today and it's only noon. You couldn't be something hundreds of girls are."
- she was a genius of sadness, immersing herself in it, separating its numerous strands, appreciating its subtle nuances. She was a prism through which sadness could be divided into its infinate spectrum.
- what is being awake if not interpreting our dreams, or dreaming if not interpreting our wake?