look at the BIG pictures. I'm going with BIG pictures from now methinks.
look at Twinkie Chan's crafty studio...look at all those wool balls! both my kittens and i would have a fantastic time in there...I bought her book online and its pretty cool. I thought i'd be whipping up crochet cupcakes and burgers in no time, but as it turns out, that involves crochet pattern reading. which is basically like reading algebra. upside down.

very witty ring by Hannah Havana (from art collective Garudio Studiage). If someone popped the question then produced this, what would you say?!

a pretty print from Volume 25 on etsy....

hee hee. some sound advice here. in no way will this scar your child and make him hate you/give him a fear of shirts.

a very pretty ribbon bouquet from Gwyllion on etsy.

and finally, the lovely news that Elsie recently held the Grand Opening of Red Velvet Art in Springfield, Missouri! For those of you who haven't read this bloggette before, RVA sells pixielated Bear Ears (both online & instore) and Elsie's blog is one of the nicest I've read! Google ABeautifulMess to read more!
It's so dark outside...but it doesn't feel Christmassy yet....
Roll on the glitter & tinsel...