Monday, 8 June 2009

bup hearts bonjameen and makes him stuff as thus:

i really quite like the guy i happen to call my boo and this materialises in arty form, generally around seasonal holidays. this valentine's day, i wrote a big long list of things i love about him and made a ickle book about it....
some were considerably ruder than others...*wink wink. he was happy, i was happy, we were happy.

after *shock horror* buying him a birthday card and getting a slightly grumpy response, i now make all his cards from the never-ending supply of tacky art stuff i collect in my arty boxes.

our first christmas together saw me drawing a picture of us and making it into a card and wondering if he might think i was a bit mental...bonjameen still thinks im mental but it has little to do with the card. sexy-mental though.
tetris-inspired-geek-love. made in an evening to suprise my lover up this past weekend. he's going to put it on his desk at work, which i think means "this is cool" in bonjameen terms. i bet his work chums get well jealous and shit.

somebody loves you baba. x

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